we are a community of learners
CCS is about pursuing academic excellence, spiritual growth, and character development
Bible classes are taught daily at Chattahoochee Christian School. We use the Positive Action for Christ Bible Curriculum. Currently, the translations used are New King James Version (NKJV), and the New International Version (NIV).
Weekly Chapel periods are taught for both K-5th and 6th-8th grade levels.
The memorization of scripture is an integral part of our Bible Classes and Chapel services. All of our teachers have firm foundations in doctrine and knowledge about the Bible. They strive not only to teach the WORD, but to model it in their personal and professional lives.
Our Curriculum
Chattahoochee Christian School uses curriculum that has a Christian worldview and is also academically challenging.
* Chattahoochee Christian School admits students of any race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national, and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. The school reserves the right to admit or dismiss students based on its own criteria of spiritual commitment, academic performance, and personal qualifications including a willingness to cooperate with the school administration and to abide by its policies and regulations.